Hey! I've been visiting Placencia and spotted this fly but I don't have a clue what it is. The lady was laying her eggs on a sea grape leaf. My hope is that it is not a doctor fly. They are usually yellow but maybe the females bearing eggs are orange. Any one who can enlighten me?
To my faithful readers (I know I have at least 3) I will start with my continuing saga of Hobo the wonder horse. As much as I love that horse, he was no fun to ride anymore so I traded him in on a pregnant mare. She is absolutely beautiful to ride, and gives me no trouble on the trail. Hobo is now up in the Orange Walk district being a cow horse. He herds cattle

and is in training to be a rodeo horse too. I can't wait to see him in action! (With someone else on him of course).
My new horse, Sexy Sadie will give birth to a paint pony if it takes after it's dad. She will be ride-able for a while yet, but boy is she getting fat! This picture was taken before she really started to show. I'll post a more recent one soon.
By the way... I've mov

ed again. I'm now living in Santa Elena on the river. It's gorgeous here! I have a beautiful view of San Ignacio Town and the broken bridge. Yes, the bridge that was rebuilt in November of 2009 is now being rebuilt again in January of 2010. Not a great record for bridge builders that's for sure. Also, not very convenient for the thousand

s of commuters that need to cross at the Hawksworth bridge and wait at least 5 minutes (I imagine it's much longer in rush hour) in a long line up to continue traveling along the Western Highway or especially people who now have to walk an extra mile to get to the market on Saturday. But... I'm sure it will be much better once it's finished and back in operation. In the meantime, I'll relax in the hammock and watch the iguanas.
Ciao from Italy