I promised a while ago that I would post an updated picture of Sexy Sadie. This was no mean feat as she is getting so fat, I was afraid she would not fit on the page. Here she is, beautiful as ever and still ride-able for now although she is having a few hormonal problems. Like... stubbornness, faking fear of downward slopes, eating on the job and giving me dirty looks! Well I guess I can't really blame her. She has enough to carry without having a saddle and me on her back too. I'm really not cruel. I was very easy on her and didn't demand too much on the ride. However, like any typical horse she showed surprising agility and speed on the way home and really seemed to appreciate the molasses enriched feed when we got there. Thanks for putting up with me Sadie.
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)