Friday, March 7, 2008

Pelicans in Dangriga

March 7, 2008
Hello. I’m back after a long winter’s nap. This is not an excuse for not blogging it’s just a fact. Today I’m going to tell you about pelicans. These ones were sunning themselves in Dangriga across from the market. I don’t get to Dangriga much but it is a good place to go for Garifuna culture and food. It’s best to buy direct from the little stands if you want to experience real Garinagu food. And… it’s also full of pelicans! They’re big dopey looking birds that hang around the ocean looking for fish. Very graceful in flight, but take offs and landings are more along the clumsy albatross side. They look pretty majestic here and recover quite well from the embarrassment of landing by floating demurely across the water and looking at each other as if to say, “Was anybody watching that Petey? I hope Petunia didn’t see me. I kind of got a crush on her.” Meanwhile Petunia comes in crash and burn style rolling across the water in front of her admirer, shakes herself off and swims away in the opposite direction.
Am I getting carried away again? Some things never change.
P.S. the chickens, cats, dog and horse are fine.
Next blog: Hobo loses stallion status.

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