It was a house invasion! Ants, millions and millions of ants! I ran for the bug spray, and then remembered I’d used the last of it on the nasty looking spider from hell yesterday. Panicking, I grabbed a can of roach killer powder and spread it on the ants coming in through the door. Grabbing a broom, I furiously swept them back out the door but that didn’t work worth a darn, they just kept on coming. I ran back into the kitchen. They were creeping through the windows, climbing up the screens, crawling all over the walls devouring everything in their path.
In the dining room they were almost to the ceiling, crawling in swarms toward the living room. I ran into the bedroom and there they were, marching across the walls.
I’m thinking, “These are no army ants. There’s no discipline here. They’re not walking in nice lines. They’re not even going in the same direction. In fact they bump into each other as if they were blind, or maybe zombie ants right out of a Stephen King novel.
“Boots I cried,” and opened the front door to go to my car for boots. Uh oh, I can’t go that way. Ants have taken over the porch. I slammed the door shut and locked it – great idea, that’ll keep em out… duh. Plan B. I shook out my sandals, put them on and went out the back door where it seems the ants have decided they don’t like the roach killer after all.
Boots donned, and back in the dining room watching their progress I tried to think out a plan of attack. The swarm seemed to be thinning out. They’ve stopped coming in the windows and are done in the kitchen. Now they’re all in the living room.
Ah ha, I now have a plan! I’ll do nothing. I’ll just wait and hope they don’t decide to take up house-keeping. Great plan, I sure hope it works.
Wait! They’ve stopped! They’re staring at me. They’re moving down to the floor, coming towards me… Aaaaaaah!!!
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