Thanks for coming back to check on my survival status. I did survive the ants. That last bit about the attack was a little exaggerated, but I swear the rest is absolutely true, including the six bites on my foot, now swollen up like a balloon and itching to drive me crazy.
And the excitement continues…
I live with three cats along with various other pets and jungle life. Diablo is the smallest of them and black as a
I could hear the bird squeaking for mercy and there was no way I was going to let that bird die. I chased them out from under the dining room table and into the bedroom. Diablo dove under the bed. Down on my hands and knees, I pushed the rug towards them until they ran out to the living room.
Finally, he let the poor little bird go and I got it outside. Before I could shut the door, the terrified little bird flew back into the house!
‘The Rock’, a black & white tabby pounced with Diablo close at his heels. I was faster. I grabbed both cats by the scruff of their necks and threw them out the door closing it behind them. “Whew! Finally it’s safe”, I thought, and went to find the bird to let it out.
Cat number three, Cleopatra (who ended up being a boy but is stilled called Cleo) was stalking it! Fortunately for the baby bird, he’s a pretty old guy and slow as molasses so I got to it first. I picked up bird and put it and its poor over-beating little heart into the chicken coop (no chickens yet and the two foot long iguana that the mechanic found at the side of the house and put in there had escaped).
I checked on it a little later and it was gone. So, me jungle girl, Lara Croft, tomb raider and rescuer of winged creatures saved the day.
Okay, that's not really exciting, but it got me pumped!
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