But like the song about California, “it pours!” After 2 days and nights of torrential downpours the sun came out on a jungle wonderland. The front lawn turned into a fairytale land complete with a meandering creek. All that was missing were the elves and trolls. The sun glistened on green grass and water transforming the place from beautiful to spectacular! Too much rain also tends to bring down trees. I guess their roots get so soggy they can’t hold on any more. Anyhow, the picture is more interesting than my writing today so I’m going to shut up now, except for this one more chicken thing.
Gertie laid her first egg today! What a production it was. She’d go in the coop to the nest and Randy would follow, then Beatrice would follow him in. Gertie would come out and the others would follow her. In she’d go again with Randy and Bea (literally) on her tail. In and out, in and out… This happened about 7 times and I guess Gertie couldn’t wait any more and gave up on any ideas of privacy. She laid one tiny egg, then she was back to foraging with the others. Yea, breakfast!
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