In this post I’m going to tell you everything I know about frogs. Obviously it will be a short post. You know those colourful frogs you see in National Geographic taken in the sub-tropical places in Central and South America that are usually poisonous? Well you hardly ever see them. The frogs you’ll find in abundance during the rainy season are small, light brown and have sticky feet so that they can climb up windows and walls. They have shifty eyes and big mouths and you hardly ever see them during the day. You don’t see them at night either unless you go looking for them with a big flashlight. But you can hear them! Boy oh boy can you hear them. Thousands, maybe millions all at once, and they don’t ‘ribbett’ or ‘croak’. It’s more like a loud, annoying ‘pruck, pruck, pruuuuck.’ Anyway, I guess they’re kind of cute but sometimes I lay awake at night imagining the house surrounded by millions of frogs, all prucking and getting closer and closer. Then I start to giggle!
Okay, lesson over. Bye for now.
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